Saltpan House

Category : Architecture- Competitions | Project Type : Proposal | Year : 2022 | Location : Slovenia

The idea of the sculpture derives from the role of salt in the preservation of life. In the case of the salt pan, the sculpture takes the form of the basic salt crystal and hovers above the ruined salt pan house, preserving it through time and framing it inside the salina landscape.

 Each surface of the salt crystal is formed from the pattern of the salt crystallic structure, which then explodes through space and time giving the sculpture its form. In distance, the sculpture participates in the delicate skyline of the salina landscape, emerging as a volume of the history of the salt pans, which allows visibility towards both the ruin and the sculpture. 

The visibility is increased during the approach, when the visitor comes to find out that the volume consists of modular parallelepipeds that have been deconstructed in beams and supports. The visitor, the worker, the flaneur or even the creatures of the salina habitat can interact with the sculpture bringing life inside the space of the salt pan, which now becomes an essential part of the salina route. The construction introduces a memory path through the thresholds of the ruined salt pan house preserving the movement it used to define in its own space. Thus, the sculpture together with the ruin tend to define a new form of landmark.
The structure of the salt crystal consists of five sides: four vertical and one horizontal. Each side consists of 2 surfaces, one with vertical beams and one with horizontal beams. The beams are created by CLT 10*10 cross section beams that can be cut into customized pieces of the calculated lengths. The two surfaces are joined by M18 alen screws passed through C28x3 steel tube spacers. 

The horizontal and the vertical surface for each side are interconnected at multiple points in order to create a rigid plane beyond the rigidity of the beam itself. When all the sides are bound together, they shape the cube. A large part of the ceiling in the middle of the top plane is open, decreasing the weight of the structure, while all the vertical surfaces are attached to their base in a peripheral zone of CLT flat beams that transport loads to the ground beams.